Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pahang river at Kuala Pahang

Continued from The views at Tanjung Lumpur.

From Tanjung Lumpur I headed some 50 km or so towards the Pahang royal town of Pekan and made an excursion to the place called Kuala Pahang.

Kuala Pahang literarily means mouth of (kuala) of the Pahang river and this place is located at the northern banks.

The last time I was here was more than 3 years ago. Look at the old article Now, a look at the northern parts of the Pahang river estuary.... Anyway this is a look upriver.

A look across. Mind you we can't see the southern banks as the view is obscured by an island more than 2 km long and up to 1.67 km wide.

Here's a look at the estuary. For the record the Pahang river is the longest in Peninsular Malaysia.

1 comment:

  1. kalau datang lagi ke pekan, boleh juga pergi sungai pahang tua. kualanya di tanjung selangor. sungai pahang tua ni satu cabang kecil sungai pahang yang mengalir terus ke laut cina selatan. apabila sungai pahang tua dikira sekali sebagai sungai pahang, muara sungai pahang sebenarnya bermula dari seberang tanjung selangor ke tanjung agas, dan kampung kuala pahang berada di atas sebuah pulau yang besar, lebih besar dari yang ada di kg. kuala pahang. boleh tengok di google maps kalau nak lebih jelas
