Friday, January 13, 2012

Boat ride to Pulau Kampai

Alternating back to the Medan-Banda Aceh trip of November 2-13, 2011. Continuing from The river Babalan at Pengkalan Brandan.

From Pengkalan Brandan we moved to Pengkalan Susu, a small town situated besides the bay called Teluk Haru.

From here we took a boat to get to Pulau (island of) Kampai.

The island could be seen here lying ahead at the centre very close to the mainland left. But that part of mainland is not so accesible. I understand it is mostly marshland or maingrove swamp so taking a boat from Pengkalan Susu is still the best option to get Pulau Kampai.

Soon the boat started to move.

The calm waters of Teluk (bay of) Haru is surely a refeshing sight.

Oh. It is common for boats here to be overflowing with goods and passengers such that the roof becomes a refuge.

The boat soon passed another island called Pulau Sembilan to the right.

A view from inside. For the record this is the 898th article in this blogspot.

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