Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Pompong ride from Tanjung Pinang to Pulau Penyengat

Peace be upon you all. It's the turn for the December 10-18th southern trip storytelling. Continuing from Boat trip to Riau from Johor.

So we have arrived at Tanjung Pinang, the main town of Pulau (island of) Bentan and the Riau archipelago, Indonesia. The following day Tuesday 13th December 2011 we decided to go for another boat ride.

Seen here is the jetty where we embarked at after arriving from Johor the previous day.

For this ride however there is another jetty.

For we were about to take the small local boat called the Pompong.

A view of Tanjung Pinang from the middle part of the jetty.

Time to take the Pompong.

A look from inside.

For a wider vista I have to stand on the deck. Here's a look back at the jetty in Tanjung Pinang as the boat left.

Slowly turning anti-clockwise I took in different shots.

There. That's our destination, the island called Pulau Penyengat.

A look again at Tanjung Pinang.

A few minutes later Pulau Penyengat conquered the view.

This island used to be the administrative centre for the Riau archipelago.

For here rest a number of rulers called the Yang dipertuan Muda Riau, the second most powerful persons in the Johor-Riau-Lingga empire...

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