Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Penajis river at Astana Raja

On to a small trip made to Melaka a week ago with me and family later visiting a number of places including in Negeri Sembilan...

One of the places visited was the small town of Astana Raja where lies this bridge crossing the Penajis river.

It is one of the river with its water flowing into the major Linggi river.

I'm not sure if it flows directly into the Linggi river or another tributary first. This is a look downriver.

Next, a look upriver.

It is said that the first ruler of the state of Negeri Sembilan, Raja Melewar entered the Linggi river before emerging into this one on his way to be installed as the ruler. This happened more than 200 years ago. Just a kilometre or two upriver from here lies the site of what is believed to be his palace in the district of Rembau. A replica has been constructed there and turned into a museum.

1 comment:

  1. Ada banyak siput sedut di tebing sungai terutama pada waktu air kering. Udang galah pun ada, tapi kena pandai cari tempat persembunyiannya.
