Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pedas river near its estuary

Continued from Penajis river at Astana Raja.

Next we took a rural road towards Linggi and passed this bridge.

It crosses the Pedas river and here's a look downriver.

A look upriver. For the record the Pedas river flows into the Rembau river which in turn flows into the Linggi river.

A signboard nearby mentions this area as Kuala Pedas. Kuala means estuary and this indicates the point where the river flows into the Rembau river is not far.

After walking for about 100 metres downriver I could see a body of water near the horizon which could be the Rembau river. Back at home I checked with Google Earth and found the estuary of the Pedas river is around 200 metres from the bridge. So the body of water seen near the horizon should indeed be the Rembau river or the point where the Pedas river flows into it.

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