Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Rembau river at the Sungai Timun fishermen base

Continued from Pedas river near its estuary.

The journey then brought us to the fishermen base of a place called Sungai Timun.

Sungai is the Malay word for river. Thus the words Sungai Timun seemed to imply there is a river called Timun around here.

A casual look around shows this to be a recreational area.

The information reveals its historic and tourism value.

There is a sort of viewing gallery.

It sits beside a river.

Going for a closer look.

A check with Google Earth and some websites show this is actually the Rembau river. Perhaps there's indeed a river called Timun which flows into it but I can't see where.

A look downriver. Using Google Earth, I found that from here the Rembau river twists and turns for about 8.3 km before entering the Linggi river.

A look ahead.

A look upriver. The point where the Pedas river flows into this river is just 1 km away by water.

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