Monday, June 25, 2012

Views from on top of Kellie's Castle

Back to the 26 Mac-4 April trip. Continuing after Entry point to the Royal Belum forest.

After Royal Belum forest we stopped at Gerik and then spent the night in Kuala Kangsar. The next day Monday 2 April 2012 we left for Ipoh and visited a number of places before going to Batu Gajah where lies this stately building called Kellie's Castle.

It is a castle built by a wealthy British landowner who ran a nearby plantation about a century ago.

But due to some mysterious circumstances the owner died before it could be finished and the castle was left like this.

But here I don't want to talk about the castle but rather share the views available.

For that I decided to climb all the way to the top...

To not just the top floor but on top the highest roof itself...

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