Friday, June 29, 2012

A visit to Bukit Lagong waterfall

This is from last weekend.

Last Sunday we decided to have a picnic and went to the Bukit Lagong waterfall in Selayang, Selangor.

At first we wanted to go to the place called Templer's Park (refer The seven level waterfalls of Templer's Park... or rather the Kanching recreational forest). But there were just too much people. And what used to be open lawns easily accesible from every direction there has been fenced and this turned me off...

Baby Johan enjoying the scene, his first time here. This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I went to Bukit Lagong compared to Kanching or "Templer's" which I have been to countless times. It might not have multilevel watersfalls and many pools of varying depth but it is good enough for a dip.

What we needed that weekend was a quite place to take a peaceful dip close enough to our place and Bukit Lagong fitted the bill.

That's me and Rasyid after taking a dip. We were then wading in the stream.

Johan testing the water with mummy's help. For the record this is the 959th article in this blogspot.

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