Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Views from the Chinese graveyard in Papan

Upon reaching Simpang Pulai I immediately headed for the small town of Gopeng followed by Batu Gajah. A number of places were visited before I went to Papan where I caught this view.

This might be unerving as I was enjoying the scenery from a Chinese graveyard.

Then again its location up a hill with few trees blocking gives way for a very wide vista to get things in perspective.

Actually I came to hear to look for a Muslim burial ground. I seems I took the wrong way but no regrets. I think this is the best place to view the surroundings of Papan, a very small town which was one of the major hives for mining activities in the state of Perak. For the record this is the 1010th in this blogspot.

1 comment:

  1. tanah perkuburan islam ada kat sebelah tu jer sebalik pokok
