Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The road to Tasik Kenyir from Gua Musang

Continued from A look at Jeram Besu.

After Kuala Lipis we went to Gua Musang. Next we took the road headed for Kuala Krai and came across this junction.

 It leads to a new road going to Tasik Kenyir which lies in the state of Terengganu.

While the road is pretty smooth and has the quality of a highway we soon came across a gravel part. By then we have passed through heavy rain and it looked about to subside.

Of course we were already in our rain gear. Next we came across this wet laterite part followed by an uncompleted bridge across a small river!

As we negotiated another way to cross under the bridge we were wondering if the road to Tasik Kenyir from Gua Musang is already opened to the public. We were told it has been opened for at least a year...

Later did we realised the highway part is only partially completed.

Instead we have to turn back and take a road going through a palm estate, the Aring Felda Settlement.

The road has existed for many many years but was only used by the locals.

Upon reaching a junction we inspected our bike after the previous ordeal. Just look at mine...

While at this juncture we were already safe from the rain and mud we still have to negotiate potholes and some gravel parts.

Thank God we soon reached the eastern completed part of the road to Tasik Kenyir.

However next came a notice saying the road ahead is closed to all vehicles. Shall we take a chance and proceed? It is way way too far to turn back...

From the next signboard we know our destination, is not that far anymore. For from our map we know the Santuari Gajah or Elephant Sanctuary mentioned sits on the eastern part of Tasik Kenyir.

We proceeded and soon entered the state of Terengganu.

Contrary to our worries, the road is smooth all along.

However we only caught sight of the waters of Tasik Kenyir when it was already dark. For the record Tasik (lake of) Kenyir is a man-made inland body of water that covers an area bigger that the county of Singapore!

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