Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Elephant sanctuary at Sungai Ketiar

Peace be upon you all again. Going to the second day of the 27th September to 1 Sept big bike trip.

Friday 28th September 2012. After spending the night at a makeshift rest area we rode back towards the west to get to this elephant sanctuary.

The location is at a place called Sungai Ketiar. We passed it on our way from Gua Musang the previous night but it was already dark and the place was closed.

We arrived early morning and it was not yet visiting hours.

Still, no personnel stopped us and we went on looking at the elephants.

There was this cute baby elephant.

Then there's a big one chained inside a nearby jungle.

To the left I could see another one.

It was also chained but on lower ground. While the elephants are tame don't take any chance...

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