Thursday, October 25, 2012

Going up Bukit Panau

Some 5-6 km from Danau Tok Uban lies a hill called Bukit Panau.

I've climbed it once by foot a number of years ago. Now I'm going to do it again along with a friend using big bikes.

Soon I realised what a hard undertaking it is. The road was not only very steep but rough and broken at many parts.

We had to push ourselves and the bikes on low gear all the time. What a relief when we finally arrived at the end of the steep and winding road.

Parking our bikes we started walking following an existing path.

The path leads up to the summit.

Our check using an altitude device shows the summit of Bukit Panau is close to 800 feet high from sea level. So you can get some nice views including that of the Kelantan river.

Now a look towards the lake called Danau Tok Uban.

Zooming in. There. The lake should be obvious for all.

The Brunei Mosque at Danau Tok Uban by bike

The journey then brought us to the Brunei Mosque situated besides a lake called Danau Tok Uban.

I've been here many times but this is the first time by bike.

Let's just enjoy the views around...

Kota Bahru from a highest part of Masjid Muhammadi

Next we went to Masjid (mosque of) Muhammadi in the city of Kota Bahru where we climbed one of its towers.

While I have been up this tower before I don't think I ever went up this level... the highest where lies the loudspeaker for calling to prayer.

Now for a look around, going anti-clockwise...

That's the Kelantan river in the background. Also in view is another tower which looks the same as the one we were on.

The mosque has a clock tower.

It also has one more call to prayer tower...

The new 'island' in the middle of Kelantan river mouth

On to the 3rd day of the 27th Sept-1st Oct East Coast big bike trip.

Sunday 30th September 2012. After spending the night at a friend's house near PCB (the beach called Pantai Cahaya Bulan) we headed for this sandy area.

It is close to the mouth of the Kelantan river. 

I wanted to have a good look at an 'island' we saw from another part of the river.

Looking to right I studied the sand hill in view.

I remembered how in a trip made over a year ago, I walked from the hill down to the sand bar seen to the left.

The sand bar extended like a peninsular on to the 'island'.

It's just part of the bar has dissolved or been cleared to let water pass through leaving its end to become an island. Compare it to pictures in the old article The sand hill and peninsular at Kelantan river mouth.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Looking at the caves of Bukit Keluang till its last one

Continued from The resort called Terrapuri.

From Setiu we headed for Kuala Besut to get to the beach at Bukit Keluang.

Bukit means hill and Keluang is a type of giant bat. So Bukit Keluang means the hill of giant bat/bats.

Bats aside, the hill is well-known at least among the locals for its wooden walk.

Too bad the walk has been damaged.

But the real attraction of Bukit Keluang is its sea-side caves.

The walk just makes it easier to look at the caves.

Without the walk one has no choice but to observe it from ground level or rather the sands.

A look from inside a cave.

OK. I've been to Bukit Keluang 3 times before but never this far.

This time I could see a rock formation which looks like the head of a giant snake.

Before this I came with the wife and kids. So there's only so far they could walk and I couldn't leave them too far behind.

This time I came with a male friend and we walked all the way until the path is blocked by seawater.

Looking right we could see two caves.

Taking the left one, it leads to an opening.

Looking at the rock and soil formation outside (beside the fact that there's the sea to the left) we could confirm this is the last and furthermost cave of Bukit Keluang.