Sunday, November 03, 2013

First time at Heathrow - Arrival in London

A new series telling stories about my time in the United Kingdom specifically in London 1991-1995 has been started at my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU. It was conceived as an attempt to remember and recover memories largely forgotten and to deal with some old issues. During those years I've never owned a camera until summer of 1995... even then only to take pictures for a hitchhiking travel around Europe. So I've never recorded any picture in London and would have to rely on those acquired from the Internet to support the storytelling. 

This blogspot would be used to show pictures of places I found memorable. Since I'm at it might as well accompany the pictures with some sentences. Let's start with Heathrow Airport. Here goes...

End of summer 1995. It was the first time ever I took a plane and first time travelling overseas out of Malaysia except for Singapore.

Only God knows how I felt after 13 hours of flight or so, the plane was about to touchdown at Heathrow.

I was going to continue studies at the University College of London, a world-class top institution. As the plane approached the terminal my heart beat faster.

Yes. I was officially in London.

Among my first impression was what an airport. I was very much impressed as it was like light-years ahead of Subang which was then the main airport in Malaysia. Never would I suspect then by 7 years later we would have a new airport, the KLIA in Sepang, which could equal if not beat Heathrow...

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