Saturday, November 02, 2013

Second attempt at auction

Peace be upon you all. Over a month ago I've made an article called Pertama kali membida rumah impian in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU showing me and wife's first attempt at bidding for an auctioned house. Today I'd like to share another attempt, our second one at getting a bargain home sweet home.

Recently we went to an office close to the KLCC.

We were going for a house auction which was scheduled to start at 3. But we were so excited, we came and registered at 2.

We stayed on in the premise eagerly waiting for the auction to start. There were more than 30 houses/apartments to be auctioned. Here's the crowd by 3.

We were hoping no one else would go for the house we aimed for. Fat chance. By 2.30 there were already 6 bidders going for the same property. By 3 there were 12.

By then we were resigned to whatever that could happen. The property we aimed has a reserve price of RM80,000 and we've decided our ceiling is RM120,000.

As the auction was about to begin the sight of personnels staring out from a bunker like room gave me deja vu. I think it has been more than 4 months since I've had any.

Soon the auction started. While our desired property is 24th in the list, properties are auctioned in terms of getting most interest on to the least.

As it turned out ours was the hottest. So the auctioneer decided bid would start at RM85,000 instead of the advertised RM80,000 and increment is at RM5,000 each. Suddenly someone with a bidding card interjected : "Let's not waste time. I'm bidding at RM125,000". The auctioneer agreed. With that me and wife were already out of the equation.

It took less that a minute for the dust to settle. The final bid was at RM140,000 and the property was locked. Funnily the person who asked the bid to be started at RM125,000 did not follow up. We suspect he was not a genuine bidder. He probably worked for the bank and his job was just to up the ante, fast.

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