Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Bringing the family to Gunongan

In the afternoon we went to the Aceh museum office where lies an interesting 400 year-old structure.

It is called Gunongan which literarily means mountains. It is said the structure was built so that the consort to the then ruler of Aceh, a princess from Pahang where there are plenty of mountains would not be so homesick.

It was built within a huge royal garden.

There is a special fountain (now dysfunctional) for the princess to wash her hair. My wife doing a pose...

Then she can play/climb up the Gunongan while her hair dries up.

So there I was with the kids sort of emulating the action of the princess.

I was told when this place was still a garden, only females were allowed it, members of the royal family and their maids. Perhaps certain male members are allowed too. For it is conceivable that husbands to princesses should be allowed in at least during certain periods.

My 72-year-old dad also climbed up.

A look down...

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