Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The muddy area near the mouth of Aceh river

Later we went to a certain area near the mouth of the Aceh river and saw this new road.

Along its right, our right that is is the sea. On the left is a wide muddy area.

As we went further I was pointed to a patch close to the village of Kandang Aceh.

The patch is close to some mangrove trees. Our driver said it was there that the locals accidently found hundreds of old gold coins 4 months ago.

To have a closer look we must turn back and take an inland road. Then we have to walk...

Soon we could see a line in the horizon which is the road besides the sea.

The patch where the gold coin were found is about 200 metres ahead.

I walked down the mud for a closer look.

This is the furthest I could reach without soiling myself too much. The patch should be down just across this strip of water.

The fact that old gold coins from 400 years ago and earlier were found here suggest that this area used to be an important centre of commerce.

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