Friday, April 11, 2014

Visiting the tomb of Daeng Mansur with friends from Pidie

Peace be upon you on this blessed Friday. For the third day of our Aceh trip 23-30 March I have only one article for the blogspot.

Tuesday 25th 2014. After 2 nights at Banda Aceh its time to go out into the country. Our main destination was the town of Takengon which sits some 4,000 feet above sea level on a mountain range. On the way we stopped at Pidie where a number of local friends greeted us with much hospitality. We were feted at their organisation headquarters, then a villagers house before they accompanied us to this certain place.

It is the tomb complex of an Aceh royalty of Bugis descend, Daeng Mansur who thrived in the late 16th century AD.

It is in my plan to pay a visit as I believed Daeng Mansur is a main ancestor of mine. From him was isssued the rulers of Aceh from 1727 and on.

There. What you see here is about half who accompanied me and family. It feels right that the friends who want to fight for the return of Aceh to old traditional values too came with the right intentions.

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