Friday, June 27, 2014

On to the more difficult part

Continued from Up on the canopy walk.

Me and Rasyid soldiered on to what in my count is the 8th stop.

After that is a very challenging climb.

Imagine climbing up this type of staircase going further up when thes base is already 30 metres above ground.

Rasyid was at first scared. But he just needed some comforting before continuing up.

What do you expect? Even an adult like me could feel the stomach slightly churning. Rasyid did well to go all the way up and on his own without assistance...

A look down. The ground is actually not level. There are parts where the walkway gets closer to the ground because we were climbing a hillside.

I was told that the walkways after the half-way point stood up to 45 metres above ground.

Time for a short rest. Not so much because of tiredness but rather to savour the experience better. 

A short rest again at another stop. I was really proud to see Rasyid still going on strong.

At last end of the walkway.

That's my boy.

For the record he had climbed all the way up Borobudur without assistance at the age of 2 years 7 months. Look at the old article Climbing Borobudur to the top.

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