Friday, June 27, 2014

Tahan river mouth

Before leaving Kuala Tahan I decided to have a last look at the Tembeling river.

Actually I wanted to have a better look at the place where the Tahan river flows into the Tembeling river. You see Kuala Tahan means the mouth of the Tahan river. That's how this place got its name.

A look across. That's where we landed to get into Taman Negara, the national park as shown in Enter Taman Negara.

To the left is the mouth of the Tahan river. 

For the record the river originated from Gunung (mount of) Tahan, the tallest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia.

A look downriver. And so water from the Tahan river flows into the Tembeling then into Jelai to form the Pahang river.

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