Friday, August 01, 2014

Muar river from an esplanade at Tanjung Agas

Peace be upon you. Last weekend me and family returned to my home town in Muar. That's when I brought the kids to a shopping complex in Tanjung Agas which sits on the northern banks of the Muar river.

Near the shopping complex is an esplanade which if I'm not mistaken was built about 3-4 years ago.

This area used to be full of mangrove trees. Now one could get a clear view of the surroundings, especially the quite vast Muar river.

A look downstream.

You can see the Muar old bridge. The Muar river mouth is 1-2 km away to the right.

A look across. The long building is the Muar market.

A look upstream. Muar's 2nd bridge, completed 10 years ago if I'm not mistaken lies 1-2 km to the right.

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