Tuesday, November 04, 2014

A nostalgic look at my old primary school in Muar

This is some sort of continuation from The 'secret' wedding in Pontian....

After the wedding in Pontian I returned home to Selangor only to rush down south again Sunday morning to settle an official matter in Muar. The following day, while waiting for the matter to be resolved I drove around the suburbs. Coming across my old primary school I decided to check it out.

As it turned out they have shifted the gates to another location about 100-150 metres to the east. For the record the buildings here used to be shared by two schools, one known as Ismail 1, another as Ismail 2. Mine was Ismail 2. Now the buildings are left to only Ismail 1.

Still, it is the same premise and they still have old buildings from the time I first studied here nearly 40 years ago.

I still remember the meeting hall well.

At one part there used to be a big glass cabinet containing a number of stuff animals. If I remember correctly there used to a stuffed sun bear and leopard among others. Those were the catches made by a previous headmaster, a Briton who was an avid hunter.

The back part of the hall.

Time to have a look at the classrooms. This is a new building.

It is the old ones the gave me fond memories.

Hah. This used to be my first class, the one I entered in Standard 1 in 1977, the class called 1 Serindit.

I used to regularly climb the roof of the hallways and jumped down. Yep, I was one of the hyper-active kids.

I wanted to check out my later classes. But as it turned out most have been demolished to make way for new buildings...

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