Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The big tree which used to be my favourite playground

At another suburb of Muar town I felt a strong urge to have a close look at a big tree.

I wanted to make sure is this the one I used to regularly climb up when I was 12...

It's hard to tell from afar as it has been 32 years ago. What I do know, the tree is close to the old colonial bungalow shown in the first picture.

The location looks right but I remembered it slightly different. There were no other tree of this size besides. Then I saw a big branch which brought up some clear memories.

Ah yes. This is the one. Me and friends used to climb up to the base of this branch. Then we practically ran all the way to the end where there used to be a vine good for swinging.

It's just they have cleared most of the growths around and then fenced the tree outside the compound of the bungalow. That is probably why at first I found it hard to connect with the memory.

I had to spend sometime examining it from all angles before I could confidently say this is the big tree which used to be my favourite playground. For the record this is the 1,300th article in this blogspot.. :]

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