Monday, November 24, 2014

Breakfast at Muar riverside

Peace be upon you all. This is from two weeks ago...

After holding a function under my NGO called HIKMAH, the 11th function, held in Pagoh 8th November 2014 it's time to make a small trip. The next day Sunday we drove 25 km to the town of Muar for breakfast.

I was with my wife and two kids. Tagging along is a group of 8 people and 2 other friends who spent the night at the same homestay in Pagoh. The chosen place is my favourite stall besides the Muar river.

Ah. Yummy, yummy. There were all sort of orders. But for me its the special local meal, nasi beringin.

The kids enjoying the scenery. They always like to climb up the walls so they could look down on the waters and spot some fish.

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