Monday, November 24, 2014

Exploring the legend of Bukit Treh

Continued from Breakfast at Muar riverside.

After breakfast we went to a hill called Bukit Treh about 5 km from town. There are some objects or places I wanted to show related to the legend of this place. One is a rock which could normally be found besides the sea. Legend has it that this area was once part of the sea or rather the Straits of Melaka.

Another is a tomb said to belong to a lady. One version says it is the mother of a character known as Tanggang, the other says it is his wife, a princess.

Then there's a small cave.

Legends has it that it was an inter-dimensional door of some sort. Here the locals used to be able to borrow plates and such from the orang bunian, the invisble people who lives in the invisible world.

The whole hill itself is said to be a ship which was cursed because the owner, Tanggang which became a rich merchant after leaving home refused to acknowledge his mother and their poor origin. It was overturned by huge waves before becoming a stone. Over time it was covered by soil and growth and became a hill. 

Oh. By the way the group of 8 who tagged along for breakfast had left earlier to catch a boat in Melaka. Instead we were joined by 3 different groups of friends.

These groups were in Pagoh to attend the HIKMAH function. They are regular supporters of HIKMAH and thus were given homestays to spend the night while we were there.

Another interesting thing of Bukit Treh is the existence of a wall about 60 metres long made of corals. It is another proof that the sea used to be much closer once upon a time, not 6 km away as it is now...

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