Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The scenery at Sungai Burung

On to the 4th day of the 25-29 December northern trip...

Sunday  28th December 2014.

After spending the night at a nearby homestay I brought the kids for a drive and came across this jetty.

It is the fishing jetty of Sungai (river of) Burung.

It is situated in Balik Pulau, the south-west part of the island of Pulau Pinang (Penang).

As the river mouth is not so far I walked towards it.

I noticed there is a tsunami warning station here. I understand these parts were hit when the Tsunami of 26th December 2004 ravaged many places especially Aceh.

Standing at the end of a man-made barrier off the river mouth I started taking in the views from the right going anti-clockwise...

A look back towards the fishing jetty...

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