Monday, January 05, 2015

Accident on the Kota Kuala Muda bridge

It happened that my next destination is in the state of Pulau Pinang. So I have to cross this bridge which lies over the Muda river.

As I drove up I can't help but admire the views.

The bridge looks wide enough, not busy at all and I don't see any indication that one cannot stop on it. So I decided to park in the middle and snap some pictures. Here's a look upriver.

Who would have thought a passing motorcyclist could not see the car so obviously parked at the side and rammed into it? Just look at the broken parts, the rear mirror smashed, the sidelight destroyed. Luckily my family escaped the ordeal unscathed. But the motorcyclist was bleeding profusely from the face. It seems his head had rammed into the side of the car...

Nevertheless I might as well complete the task. Time to cross towards the downriver side and take a picture...

Looking towards the Kota Kuala Muda side and the state of Kedah. A number of people had stopped for a closer look of the commotion.

Looking back towards upriver and the accident scene. Soon the young man who hit our car was brought to a clinic. We on the other hand had to wait for almost an hour and a half before traffic police came. After that only can we move the car, albeit carefully as the rear bumper had crashed down. We had to go to the Kepala Batas traffic police station to file a report before we can do some minor repairs just to be able to keep the car on the road for a while...

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