Monday, February 23, 2015

Visiting the Tsunami Museum

Continuing from Krueng Aceh from Hotel Medan.

At 10.30 am local time we went to the Tsunami Museum at midtown Banda Aceh.

I have been inside once in 2009. But then there where no displays yet, just a recently completed building.

Since then I have visited Banda Aceh a number of times but only went past the building.

So this time is the first time I made a proper visit... with a group of Malaysian activists guided by a local friend who happens to run a tour and travel outfit.

A section with videos of the 26th November 2004 Tsunami and how it ravaged Aceh.

A chimney like section with names of dead casualties, known ones that is, immortalised on the wall.

For the record more than 200,000 Acehnese were killed by the incident.

A pathway going up while circling the chimney part tries to depict the confusion that follows after the Tsunami.

This section with flags of nations who came to help rescue and recover Aceh depicts the light of hope that came afterwards.

Then there's this giant map showing the region of Aceh and major towns/places.

At the exhibition section a model of the museum is shown shaped like a ship of sort.

Then there's pictures and models showing the devastating effects of the Tsunami.

At a theatre we spent time watching a documentary on the subject before going to another section with more models potraying the situation...

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