Saturday, June 20, 2015

To Karangan via Bengkayang

The reason we went to Sambas is to visit the palace, royal mosque and a number of tombs there, remnances from the grand days of the now-defunked Sultanate of Sambas. Once we're done its time to get out.

Our next main destination is an inland town called Ngabang, centre of an older kingdom called Landak. The night before our driver found out there is a rural route going there which could cut travelling time by an hour compared to the normal route he's familiar with.

It happened that this route twisting and turning through jungles, plantations and Dayak people rural villages passes through the town of Bengkayang.

There is a tomb belonging to a ruler of the kingdom of Mempawah we wanted to visit before going to Ngabang. We were told it lies at the town of Karangan which is accesible via Bengkayang...

The town of Karangan

It lies close to an upper reach of the river of Mempawah.

That is why a ruler of Mempawah whose seat is close to the river mouth  could be laid to rest around here, Anyway this place which I've estimated to be 120 km upstream from the town of Mempawah was within the bounds of the kingdom of Mempawah. Look at the articles  Mempawah river from the palace mosque and  Mempawah river from Sebukit Rama.

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