Friday, June 26, 2015

Going to Mungguk

Peace be upon you all. On to the 4th day of the recent West Kalimantan trip. Continuing from To Karangan via Bengkayang.

And so we have arrived at the town of Ngabang, centre to an old kingdom of Landak. Thursday morning 11th June 2015 we left town to go to a more rural area inland.

The destination is a much smaller town called Mungguk.

It is only 10 km from Ngabang. But condition of the road can wear you down.

The small town or rather, village of Mungguk is situated at the meeting point between the Banyuke and Landak rivers. Here's a pix as we crossed Banyuke river.

The village centre is situated before the bridge. We headed back to the centre upon realising we have overshot a certain place we were aiming for.

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