Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Climbing the hill behind my late grandma's house with Johan

Peace be upon you all. Just something from yesterday...

Monday 19th October 2015 me and family went to my late grandma's house in Raub, Pahang.

The grandma was my father's mum. Once in a while dad would bring me and siblings with our mum to pay visits and since very young I used to hike up the hills behind the house, 

But it has been many years since I did that and this time I felt like taking a quick walk up a hill. My youngest kid, Johan wanted to follow and I obliged.

When I was young this used to be virgin jungle, Now it has been cleared to make way for rubber plantation up to a certain level. .

So there we were climbing up as far as the cleared path could lead us

If not for the fact that it was late in the afternoon and I got a 3-year-old boy in tow I would have walked up further into the jungle...

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