Monday, October 26, 2015

"Daulah Melayu" shoot at a dry village in Pasuruan

OK. I believed I have talked about my involvement with a documentary project called "Daulah Melayu" at least twice in this blogspot. Look at the articles Boatmaking in progress at Pulau Duyong and Convoy to Pulau Meranti. Well. Here's another one...

Last Thursday 22nd October 2015 me and my documentary team went to Surabaya, Indonesia for our first overseas shoot. The following day we went to a village in Pasuruan and took advantage of a current situation...

The village has vast expanses of ricefields. But due to drought the last 7 months or so the land had dried up.

This gave rise to a rather intreesting background. My director took advantage by calling a number of local youths to participate.

They played the part of students studying religion, discussing and studying among themselves with the dry backdrop providing a quaint view of things...

Me being the documentary host was also part of whole proceeding. But I had no pictures of myself in action to show...

So let's just let the boys play centre stage ya. Earlier, they had to pretend like bumping into me while returning from a religious class...

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