Monday, October 26, 2015

Commemorating the deeds of Wali Songo

In Pasuruan we lodged at a pesantren or traditional religious school owned and operated by a local kiyai or religious master. The main reason we came here was to attend a function held there.

It was a hol function, remembering the deceased Wali Songo, the famous 9 saints of the Indonesian island of Java.

The saints who lived in the 15-17th century AD were responsible for converting most of Java populace to the faith of Islam.

So remembering the deceased in cases like this means also commemorating their deeds.

Gracing the function were many modern day religious masters from Indonesia and Malaysia. 

In fact there is one master who came all the way from Turkey... 

Here's a Malaysian master giving a fiery speech about the deeds of the Wali Songo...

Here's the Turkey master, Sayyid Sheikh Muhammad Fadhil Al-Jailani al-Hasani. Speaking in Arabic with a local master translating into the Indonesian language, he is descended from the world-famous Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, the 11-12th AD century master who is recognised as the Sultanul Awliya, king of saints in the Muslim world...

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