Monday, March 28, 2016

Merbok river from the new bazaar at Tanjung Dawai

Peace be upon you all. On 14-17th March I was in the northern parts of the Peninsular to make some shoots for the documentary series called "Daulah Melayu". For the record I am the host and a researcher. So I'd like to share some stories from the trip beginning with this.

Me and the production team left for Penang on Monday 14th March 2016. For this blogspot let me start from what's happening on Wednesday morning the 16th. We were in Merbok to continue shooting at the Lembah Bujang archeological museum (we started the previous day) when my producer and director took a break and asked me to tag along. So I suggested we go to Tanjung Dawai which is about 12-13 km from Merbok. We had breakfast at a bazaar which was opened just over a year or so if not mistaken.

It is situated close to the Merbok river mouth.

So I walked to the jetty close by for better views. Here's one looking at the river mouth...

A look across...

A look upriver...

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