Monday, March 28, 2016

Merbok river from the Semeling bridge

Just over 18 km downriver from Tanjung Dawai lies the Semeling bridge which crosses the Merbok river. Here the river which goes as wide as 2.3 km near its estuary tapered down to only 200 metres wide. I have passed this bridge a number of times as it connects the big town of Sungai Petani to the archeological sites at Sungai Batu and Lembah Bujang. I've always wanted to take pictures from this bridge but did not do so as it is narrow and often busy with traffic.

Travelling with the "Daulah Melayu" documentary team by van I managed to get these two decent pictures. The previous one shows the view upriver and this one is downriver. For the record this is the 1,500th article in this blogspot.

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