Friday, May 20, 2016

Exploring the limestone hill called Gunung Senyum part II

The 2012 visit was limited to just a few parts of the limestone hill as I arrived at dusk then. The recent visit made last Friday was done in the morning. And so I had to more time to explore and  thus czme tonoticed this staircase located to the right of the foothill entry point.

Naturally, I decided to check what's up...

The staircase ends at a level part of the hill slope. To the right you can see this cave.

The notice says entry is prohibited as it is dangerous.

Well, no harm venturing in for a lone observer and adventurer like me right? :]

It's just it was too dark for me to explore properly. I was not equipped with any torchlight or such.

A look outside from inside...

To the left of the end of the staircase there seems to be a pathway leading further up Gunung Senyum.

Next came this lot of jagged stones. One have to carefully climb and negotiate on and around it to get further up. Mind you, a slight fall and you could suffer serious injury...

But it was well worth the effort...

For after successfully climbing up the jagged rocks one could then reach the base of a few monstrous top open caverns...

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