Thursday, September 15, 2016

Brunei mosque after more than 3 years

On to the 3rd day of the recent East Coast trip. Continuing from Visiting tomb of Tok Selehor.

Thursday afternoon 1st September 2016. After having acquired some more religiouns lessons at the traditional school in Tumpat me and some friends decided to make a trip out to a mosque known as Masjid (mosque of Brunei).

To get there we travelled some 60 km from the school negotiating some rural roads.

I don't know if others felt the same but for me it is always worth the trouble to get to this mosque situated at an obscure location besides a lake known as Danau Tok Uban...

The last time I came here was more than 3 years ago. Look at the old article Bringing some friends to the Brunei mosque - My 7th visit here?

As always I took time to savour the atmosphere in and out of the mosque. For the record this is the 1,555th article in this blogspot.

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