Monday, September 19, 2016

The coastal route from Kelantan to Terengganu

Moving on to the 4th day of the recent East Coast trip. Continuing from Brunei mosque after more than 3 years.

Friday afternoon 2nd September 2016. After spending 3 nights at the religious school in Tumpat its time to leave the place and head for the state for Terengganu. Passing the city of Kota Bahru before heading towards Bachok we then closed in towards the coast of South China Sea going southwards.

Crossing the bridge of Tok Bali. Look at the old article Views around the high bridge of Tok Bali, Kelantan.

About a few miles south of Tok Bali we stopped at a beach-side stall for late lunch. These pictures where taken as we continued back the drive...

Soon we could see the doorway marking entry to the state of Terengganu.

Next we crossed the bridge at Kuala Besut.

The journey was continued staying as close to the coast as possible via the closest trunk roads.

All in all I estimated some 150 km were travelled close to the coast that day. The weather was good and the views calming if not astounding. Whenever I'm not in a rush I chose to travel at such routes...

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