Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Walking to Putrajaya's 'iron' mosque close to dusk

Journey was continued to Putrajaya where we parked nearby the Istana Keadilan, palace of justice.

Right in front of it is this huge arch.

Going past it one can see the Istana Kehakiman fitted inside its framework.

Going on to the other side, one approaches the famous structure fondly known as Masjid Besi, the iron mosque.

This is because it was made mainly out of iron beams and such.

As it is I arrived in Putrajaya at almost dusk.

The sun's setting path happened to almost coincide with the direction of prayers for Muslims at least at this part of the world during this time of the year. So as one walked towards the front part of the mosque, one actually faces the sun.

This mosque has many openings for the sun to shine through. So it was an amazing sight as one walked in closer and closer to the front...

Bringing the family to Raja Haji mosque in Cyberjaya

Referring to the article Looking for Lubuk Terua. This is what happened during the following day...

After looking for traces of history at Lubuk Terua we returned home to Rawang, Selangor. Sunday afternoon 29th May 2016 we attended a function in Bukit Jalil in the Klang Valley then visited a sick relative in Puchong. As it was already close to Putrajaya we decided to pay a visit. On the way we made an instinctive detour to Cyberjaya where lies this mosque.

It is Masjid (mosque of) Raja Haji Fi Sabilillah, named after a famous 18th century Bugis-Malay warrior and royalty.

It was the 3rd time I came here, 1st time bringing the wife and kids along.

Entering the mosque...

Meditating after conducting prayers right at the centre of the main praying hall.

Coming out of the hall I noticed something about the minaret outside...

Ah. The door was unlocked.

There was an urge to climb up. After all I've climbed up many minarets at many mosques, a few of them more difficult and dangerous then this. But this time I don't feel fit and properly dressed. So had to forego for another time, God willing...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Looking for Lubuk Terua

OK. The reason I had a look at the Semantan river from Mempateh was to look for a place called Lubuk Terua. A local then told me to get there I must take a turning after...

So there we took the turning...

There is a fish rearing area inside.

I was told that I have to go in further. But my wife was worried about the condition of the road, so I decided to walk leaving her and kids in the car under a shade.

I found a forking path and decided to take the one to the left. After a number of steps I came across this area,

I noticed a path leading to the Semantan river.

Lubuk Terua should be at a part of the Semantan river. I went looking for it because it is the place where the Pahang Malays started their revolt against the British colonialists more than 100 years ago.

But I can't be sure if I've arrived at Lubuk Terua or another part of the Semantan river.

Still, let's just record this for prosperity...

Semantan river near the bridge at Mempatih

From Kuala Gandah we then headed to the small town of Lanchang. Along the way lies this bridge at the village of Mempateh crossing the Semantan river,

I don't know why but instictively I turned right before the bridge and reached this gravel road.

It leads to a water treatment facilty besides the river.

So I decided to have a closer look from there.

A look upriver...

A look across.

A look downriver, For the record the river flows into the mightier Pahang river after twisting and turning for about 60 km towards Temerloh...

Bringing the kids to Kuala Gandah elephant sanctuary

After we're done in Bentong we went off to Lanchang to get to the elephant sanctuary at Kuala Gandah.

Me and wife have been here with our two youngest kids before. Look at the article Kuala Gandah elephant sanctuary made 4 years ago. This time we brought along our two eldest kids too...

Playing with the younger elephants. By the way my family is not in the picture.

Later in the afternoon we converged at this ampitheatre for an elephant show.

The show involves adults elephants which are kept unleashed at the nearbya jungle.

Come time for the twice a day show (the early on is in the morning) they are herded in towards the show area...

After the show the audience are invited to feed the elephants with food that have been earlier prepared.

Then its time to bath the elephants at a nearby river...