Saturday, February 25, 2017

From Lebuh Aceh to Jalan Kuala Kangsar

Touching back on to the 12-21 January travel. Getting closer and closer to home...

Friday morning 20th January 2017. I have spent the night at the mosque of Lebuh Aceh in Penang's Geogretown and where raring for a walk.

While I have been to Penang and Georgetown many many times its been 10 years or so since I've explored the city by foot.

So there I was walking around what I've always thought was southwards from Lebuh Aceh mosque...

But close scrutiny with Google Map when writing this article showed that I was actually going north-west.

Actually I was then looking for Jalan Penang or Penang Road.

Not having a map or any such guide, I just tried to surmise directions according to whatever memory I have of the surroundings...

I can't remember the names the streets I've passed through, neither its exact locations. I just pressed on towards what I thought is southwards to get to Penang Road.

I was simply weaving in and out smaller roads taking what I thought were shortcuts as I figured my way long.

Then I saw this flea market or sorts.

What caught my eye is the name of the street Jalan (road of) Kuala Kangsar. For it refers to the Perak royal town of Kuala Kangsar, a place I have certain affinty with...

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