Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Minangkabau airport to Padang city

Continuing from Flight to Padang, Sumatera.

The name of the airport we landed at is Minangkabau international airport. The name refers to the Minangkabau world. The people of this area and around proudly annouce themselves as the Minang people. 

Oh, forgot to mention. I got on the plane with 4 other people from the same entourage. We got off at 3.06 local time. But due to a certain hitch we got out of the airport at almost 3.50.

It was only here that I realised the city of Padang is situated some 30km south of airport. We got a taxi to take us to our hotel in Padang.

The taxi is a Toyota Avanza. Giving way to the rest of the entourage I took the back seat and had to be contented with limited views...

Nevertheless I tried to snap as best as I can pictures as we went along. Here's a look behind.

At times I took pictures from the sides.

If not mistaken by the time this picture was taken 4.16 we were already within the city limits.

Next we passed the beach side.

For the record Padang is a sprawling city about 18 km long and 10 km wide. But the buildings are at most 5 or 6 floors high. This is because it is prone to earthquakes albeit mild ones...

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