Monday, February 20, 2017

On to Pariangan, the first settlement of the Minangkabau people?

After visiting some historical sites near Batu Sangkar we headed for the city of Padang Panjang.

Oh, forgot to mention. After Talago Bukit I left the bus and joined some friends in a car. I sat on the right of the backseat. Here are views as we left Batu Sangkar at the east behind.

The mountain seen is the 9,000-plus feet high (from sea level) Mount Merapi, the highest mountain in the Minangkabau world.

It is said the Minangkabau people started at the summit of the mountain before making their first settlement at a southern part of the slope.

Here we made a detour to the said settlement.

Called Pariangan it has some interesting old buildings around...

Situated at around 3,000 feet above sea level it is touted as among the most beautiful villages in the world!

Too bad we didn't have much time to properly explore.

We came to visit a tomb around these parts and had to limit our views to the surroundings...

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