Monday, February 20, 2017

The air and views at Pandai Sikek

After Paringan we went pass Padang Panjang to head on to Bukit Tinggi. On the way we took a detour to a place called Pandai Sikek.

Oh. From Pariangan I joined back the rest of my entourage on bus. Our guide took us to Pandai Sikek to shop.

Me on the other hand was not interested in shopping. I was more interested with the scenery and fresh air...

A check with Google Earth shows this place to be at about 4,000 feet above sea level. That is 1,000 feet higher than Bukit Tinggi.

It is actually situated at a slope of the mountain seen in the picture.

I thought it is the 9,000 feet plus high Mount Merapi, the highest mountain in the Minangkabau world.

Well, I was then corrected. Mount Merapi is to the east of Pandai Sikek. Here'a look at its peak.

The mountain to the west is the slightly lower Mount Singgalang. The road from Padang Panjang to Bukit Tinggi runs between the two mountains and Pandai Sikek is accessed by a small road heading towards Mount Singgalang...

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