Thursday, October 19, 2017

Stopping at Anak Irau, 'son' of the main mountain

After the end of wooden pathways of the Mossy Forest the trail leads down from Mount Brinchang on to a base where it meets the slopes of Mount Irau. After that we came across a signboard that says we have only covered 1/3 of the whole trail.

This was after an hour and a quarter or so following the trail or tracks from the entrance of the Mossy Forest. The tracks then start to go upwards indicating we have started the climb up Mount Irau

The condition of the track is challenging due to the wet season. All the way one have to negotiate carefully, at times almost tip-toeing through twisting and turning tree roots while at best trying to avoid stepping into mud which can go knee-deep. Add that to going up and down and steep parts and slopes it was quite a test.

This picture was taken at 1.20 pm, two hours and 20 minutes after starting from the entry point. If I remember correctly by then one of us had turned back to follow another group who were returning after a climb made almost 12 hours earlier. He suffers from diabetes and need insulin shots.

At 1.35 pm we have only covered 60 per cent of the whole trail. Looks like it would take more than the 3 hours we budgeted to reach the summit of Mount Irau.

Along the way we came across pockets of people on the way out after reaching the summit. For the record we were the last persons to attempt a climb that day.

We later found out that the last group to enter before us started following the trail at 9 am, two hours earlier than us. Anyway at 1.52 pm we arrived at a resting point where a number of people from different groups had stopped after returning from the summit.

The rest area itself is actually a summit, a lower one of Mount Irau.

Said to be situated at 6,666 feet above sea level it is known as Mini Irau, also as Anak (son of) Irau...

From Anak Irau we could see another peak which could be the main summit or one before it. But we were told the highest or main summit is still an hour's walk  away. For some people reaching the Anak Irau is already good enough especially when it is already late in the day...

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