Thursday, October 19, 2017

To the Mossy Forest and beyond

After spending more then an hour at the summit of Gunung Brinchang we dropped down a bit (elevation-wise that is) to a place called the Mossy Forest.

This refers to a forest famous for being full of moss of course. It is a popular tourist attraction at the Cameron Highlands...

One has to climb this staircase to reach to walkway into the forest.

Interestingly it is situated along the border of the states of Perak and Pahang.

Regarding the forest itself you read from the old article The Mossy Forest of Cameron Highlands made after my first visit in 2012.

This time, with 2 friends tagging along I want to go much further than the designated area of the Mossy Forest with its wooden walkways and staircases.

This time I want to press on to the summit of Gunung (mount) Irau, the highest mountain in the Cameron Highlands, 9th highest in Peninsular Malaysia and 15th in the whole of Malaysia...

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