Monday, January 08, 2018

Rushing to Tanjung Budi

Our next stop was the old mosque of Wadi Hussein at Teluk Manok.

After spending almost an hour and a half there we then rushed towards the town or city of Patani 60 km away.

But we didn't want to go to the city yet.

We wanted to go to a narrow piece of land which jutted out onto open waters some 20 km before facing the city from across a bay.

Using Google Map we were directed to follow some rural roads.

Soon we could see the sea or rather the Gulf of Thailand on our right indicating we have entered the said narrow piece of land.

There are parts were this long piece of land is about only 100-200 metres wide.

As we rushed to its end where lies a cape the Malay locals call as Tanjung Budi we could see the sun about to set...

The Thai name for this stretch of land is Laem Pho if not mistaken. This picture was taken at 5.40 pm local time...

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