Monday, January 08, 2018

Sunset over the bay of Patani

Continuing from Rushing to Tanjung Budi.

We soon reached the very end of the tarmac road. Immediately after parking we got out and walked towards the waters.

Actually the narrow piece of land still stretches a kilometre or so from here.  But to get to that end you must walk and we had no time as the sun was about to set.

So we just find what seemed then to be the best place to watch the sun set.

Then I noticed a path leading to another part of the waters...

From there you can see the waters wide open. It is the bay of Patani.

Turning anti-clockwise we could see the town of Patani.


Turning anti-clockwise more and more towards the east...

Some 20 km or so in the horizon is where this narrow stretch of land means the mainland of Patani.

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