Thursday, June 07, 2018

Kerling hot water spring

Last Monday I made a short trip to Tanjung Malim to spend the night at the main mosque there. Along the way I made stops. One of it is situated in a place called Kerling, somewhere between Tanjung Malim and Kuala Kubu Baru.

I have been to Kerling many times but it was only this time that I knew there is a hot spring there.

From the main road I saw a signboard pointing to a place called Kampung Air Panas. This could be literarily translated as village of the hot spring.

So I decided to follow the signboard before coming across those that clearly say there is a hot spring ahead. After  4-5 km veering from the main road I came across the designated place.

What is interesting is there is a clear wide enough stream running through the place...

The hot spring lies across the river.

As far as I could remember this is the first hot spring in Malaysia I saw so near to swimmable river...

You can enjoy the hot spring and then take a cool dip in the river or vice versa...

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