Monday, June 04, 2018

Sampling the merriness of IFTAR KL 2018

Peace be upon you all. Something from last weekend after more than a month's silence in this blogspot...

Saturday afternoon 2nd June 2018. Me and the wife went to Kuala Lumpur city centre for a function.

After parking at a certain spot we walked southwards alongside the small streets adjacent to Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

The city was rife with activity as people, mostly Malays and Muslims shop in preparation for the festive celebration of Aidil Fitri just about 2 weeks away...

We went on southwards to Dataran Merdeka...

Here is conducted the breaking fast function called IFTAR KL 2018.

 It is held twice weekly (Saturday and Sunday) over the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan...

Non-Muslims, tourists and such can also partake of the free food as we waited for dusk whence come the time of Maghrib to break fast...

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