Monday, October 22, 2018

Going up the tallest hill in Bukit Sentosa, Rawang

Peace be upon you. Here's another round of story sharing.

Referring to the articles Climbing a nearby hill with wife and the kids followed by  Hill climbing with wife and kids in Janda Baik and Hill climbing with wife and kids in Janda Baik - On to Saufiville, the highest resort around made 6 days ago. Since our first hill climb together over 2 weeks ago my wife and I have decided to go out with the kids at least once a week for a nature hike preferably with a hill climb. For the recent weekend we decided to go to the township of Bukit Sentosa about 13 km from our house in Sungai Buaya, Rawang. The wife have just learned there is a hill there which is regularly climbed by hikers.

It happened that I also need to buy something from the nearest computer shop and that is at Bukit Sentosa. Without knowing where the actual hill is situated at except for the fact that it is on the route to Rasa we just went on and saw the hill.

How did we now we got the right hill? Well, we can see a number of hikers/climbers going up from afar.  Looking at their path of ascend it took no genius to figure out where to start...

Soon enough we were on our way up...

Views from a point up...

Our 9 and 6 year-old kids were very excited that they practically raced up.

We have to ask them to slow down so we can keep watch...

The wife is getting used to a hobby which I have often partook in and have brought the kids along more then 3 times before the wife joined...

Again, enjoying the views from a vantage point...

The kids were waiting higher up. I asked the elder one to wait as the smaller one have disappeared somewhere further up...

This part is a major vantage point...

Still there was a distance to climb to reach the very top...

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