Monday, October 22, 2018

Going up the tallest hill in Bukit Sentosa, Rawang - On to the summit

The kids were impatient to push on. They were nowhere to be seen as I watched over the wife while taking pictures from behind.

Unlike the first half of the climb up the hill the second half has trees and growth limiting the views around.

Soon we could see our youngest kid waiting. Actually he has reached the summit but came down a bit to greet us.

A sort of pyramid frame marked the highest part of the hill.

A check with Google Earth shows it is situated 588 feet from sea level...

Looking around we can see that this is the tallest hill within miles around...

Google Earth also showed the base we started from was 211 feet above sea level meaning we have climbed up the equivalent of a 37-floor building.

Soon it's time to go down...

With wide vistas opening up we took time to enjoy every minute of the descend...

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